Liminal is based on the Latin word that means threshold or a place of change between two states.

The LIMINAL HUMAN Series information is designed to create a change in the practitioner and how you interact with the client or patient. 

Touch has been part of healing and improving function since the creation of nerves. Information relayed with proper zeal can create change with the simplest touch. It is now known, for example, that Natural Killer cells location and behavior can be altered through touch, increasing the robust nature of the body. These things, once understood, are simple and reliable to perform. And they can be done in a way that doesn’t require the patient to disrobe or additional substances to be applied on the skin. Efficiency with contact, with our commonality of structures.

But the majority of systems leave out other ways into the body and brain: visual and vestibular stimuli, exteroception such as sound, reflexes, Primitive or otherwise etc various tools for improving the power of touch immediately, with repeatable, reliable, testable results. 

The LIMINAL HUMAN Series is designed to have you cross that threshold of information, to change perspective, to teach the beginner, to reward the expert, to fulfill a simple idea that the majority of musculoskeletal pain and illness is not insurmountable but readily available for change for the good of body and mind. 
