“Everyone wants a linear path to success, lifters get told the story of Milos of Create, carrying a calf until it becomes a bull. Just add pounds consistently and eventually you’ll lift a bull. But that’s a lie. Non-Linear Undulating Progression is the most successful long-term model but its the hardest to program. Because in a long-term non-competitive model (competition vs health) it’s not programmed, it’s shown to us by the body, how the athlete reacts.
The path to long-term success is winding (Meandering), ‘up’ and ‘down’ or side to side like a river. It’s not the ‘aimless’ or ‘lost’ definition, it’s the avoidance of obstacles based on the resistance they create to a being at that time.
A river with less power has to move around obstacles, becoming a pond or lake if the impediment gets too strong (rest in our human model). If a river (a person) gains output (if a person gets stronger, has better nutrition, less distress, better sleep) the flow of the river can overtake more difficult terrain. When it can’t, the path diverts around the obstacle (the programming of the athlete changes), or the water pools again (the athlete rests). This repeats, waxes, and wanes until the river reaches its destination; for example, the ocean (the athlete reaches their goal).
People hearing this idea often assume a lack of a goal, the inability to see success in a ‘haphazard’ plan. This is where Greatness comes in. You are still expected to be Great. You just don’t sprint a marathon. You don’t stuff everyone into the same plan.
I have taught martial arts and music. It always bothered me that if a person asked how long it would take to be a black belt and if I replied 4-5 years, that was fine, or that if someone said Id like to play guitar like so and so and I said it’d take about the same amount of time, that was ok but everyone wants to get healthy or fit, they expect it in 6 weeks.
MTG is the idea of non-competitive progress the way music and martial arts style practice allows for everyone to succeed regardless of a timetable. There are tryouts for sports but not martial arts. You just take longer through the belts. You don’t try out for a guitar teacher (if you have to, don’t go) you get better based upon the time you have.
It’s not ‘A’ race, it’s the opportunity to acquire the ability TO RACE.
It’s the ability of what is known about living beings to allow the participation and love of lifelong athleticism. To recognize that winning and losing is something to care about after its fun after movement has become an inescapable part of a joyful life. It’s instilling the love, need, and willful participation in movement where winning or losing is an aside. Where playing is more satisfying than winning and losing is just the exhilarating result of an invigorating contest.”
– Zachariah Salazar